Jim Quirk, B.S., CEBT President/Chief Executive Officer of the Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley. Jim Quirk began his eye banking career as the Technical Operations Manager at the Medical Eye Bank of Delaware, which subsequently merged with the Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley (LEBDV). At LEBDV, he has also held the positions of Quality Assurance Director and Serology Lab Supervisor. He was appointed by Delaware’s Governor to serve as a member of the state’s Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Board. He was also an appointed member of the Pennsylvania Organ Donation Advisory Committee to the Governor and a member of New Jersey’s Coalition on Donation. Jim serves as Co-Chairman of to EBAA’s Accreditation Board and also serves on the Board of Director's Executive Committee and Finance Committee. Photograph by Jim Graham Jim Quirk, B.S., CEBT
President/Chief Executive Officer of the Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley. Jim Quirk began his eye banking career as the Technical Operations Manager at the Medical Eye Bank of Delaware, which subsequently merged with the Lions Eye Bank of Delaware Valley (LEBDV). At LEBDV, he has also held the positions of Quality Assurance Director and Serology Lab Supervisor. He was appointed by Delaware’s Governor to serve as a member of the state’s Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Board. He was also an appointed member of the Pennsylvania Organ Donation Advisory Committee to the Governor and a member of New Jersey’s Coalition on Donation. Jim serves as Co-Chairman of EBAA’s Accreditation Board and also serves on the Board of Director's Executive Committee and Finance Committee. Photograph by Jim Graham